Industrial Athlete University – Order Selector Training Game


The need: a new approach to training with
a clear impact on productivity and safety.


“IAU has a training product that helped us train our new hires faster with a huge return on investment from reductions in lost productivity and a significant drop in reportables.”

Wayne Etter //

Operations Director, UNFI Champaign/Urbana
Volu partnered with Industrial Athlete University to strategize, design, develop, and host a training program specifically for distribution center order selectors, helping them to reach productivity and accuracy standards 60% faster than typical training programs


Our Solution

Turnover.Industry averages range from 80-120% turnover annually. The need was to control trainover from mis-hiring and from inadequate training.
Volu worked with IAU to put together a training strategy that could be implemented in virtually any distribution environment. The resulting training is one that makes sense, sets trainees up for success, and even identifies new-hires that either don't want to or can't succeed in a selector role.
Lost productivity. The average time for newly-hired selectors in 90 days. Through benchmarking and standards development, Volu determined that performance and accuracy standards could be met in 50% less time.
Volu developed a training program with that goal in mind and beat it by 10-20%. The key was a training program that resonated with the new-hires, could be easily trained and managed, and was applicable to the real-world selecting environment.
Reportable accidents and injuries.The distribution center is a fast-paced and dangerous environment. IAU clients needed a program that would make safety training and risk reduction a priority.
Integrated into the training program is an order selector simulation game that facilitates the learning of "peak performance methods" associated with safety and efficiency. Trainees will know these PPM's verbatim in the third hour of training and be following successfully within a day -- something not achieved in typical training over the course of a month.


A comprehensive, easy-to-implement, game-based training program customized to each distribution center that enables newly-trained warehouse selectors to be ready to reach performance and accuracy standards in as little as three weeks.
Seamless On-boarding
Training program makes it easy for HR and operations to hire and train new employees following a detailed and completely developed standardized training process.
Focus on Readiness
The Volu training approach takes the guesswork out of when trainees are ready to perform the job on their own. Each step of the training includes quantitatively driven evaluation criteria to assess progress and readiness to proceed.
Multimedia Based
Volu worked with IAU to develop multiple modes of training delivery, including on the floor training, live simulations to reduce risk and equipment damage, and custom-developed videos to demonstrate mastery modeling of peak performers.
Web-based Modules and Testing
As an option for operations where desired, Volu developed self-driven elearning modules and online-based tests to verify the learning of concepts and terminology. This can be integrated into corporate LMSs or hosted by Volu.

How our services bring about success